Last year, I managed to scrape up enough money to buy a new camera. I bought a Canon Rebel XSi digital camera. We had a small Fuji digital camera for about 7 years which my wife still uses. The Canon Rebel XSi is a great camera in my opinion, although, I am far from being a professional, or even a skilled amateur photographer. This week I purchased a used Tamron 28-300 zoom lens for the camera. Any professional wouldn't touch a lens with such a large range. There will obviously be compromises. Will I notice any of it's short comings? Probably not. Usually, I'm lucky if I remember to remove the lens cap before I start shooting.
I have fully embraced digital photography and its many benefits. The main benefit for me was cost. Digital cameras come in all ranges of prices and the cost of taking and printing pictures is only a fraction of film. You can take as many pictures as your memory or battery will allow and keep only the good ones. You can see instantly on the display if you picture turned out, although it can be hard to tell if you have a small screen on your camera, so I always take two shot just in case. If you have a computer nearby, you can see almost instantly your photo on screen. You can easily manipulate the image on your computer using an imaging program without having to scan a printed photo.
I had previously owned a Canon Rebel G SLR film camera that was about 15 years old. I didn't use that camera as much as I wanted to. The cost of film, and developing, being part of the issue. While checked eBay to try and sell it, most were going for less than 30 dollars. Pretty depressing, when I paid over $500 for it new. I decided to give it to a friend of mine who is a great amateur photographer who still uses film. So there's no turning back for me now. I'm totally digital.